Code of Conduct

Player Conduct

Football is a demanding sport both physically and mentally. Practices are geared for improving the physical and mental aspects of individual players on the team.

  • Have fun!
  • Good sportsmanship is essential (win or lose), honesty, fair play will be shown to players, coaches, officials and parents.
  • Realize that athletic contests, including practice sessions, are educational experiences and opportunities.
  • Players will not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct.
    Any player wearing Bulldogs jerseys must remember they are representing their club (no rude behaviour, smoking, cursing).
Boy with ball

Parent Involvement and Conduct

Parents are a vital part of any successful organization. Young athletes’ development is greatly enhanced by parental participation. Many of us have multiple children, commitments, work etc. please do not hesitate to bring up any issues concerning rides or any other issues with your team Manager and/or Coach. These people are in place to help you, the parent and the player. If we do not know there is an issue, then we can’t help with it.

  • If you have ‘extra’ room in a vehicle, speak up, team building is also done off the field!
  • Give constructive criticism, during a private moment, never in front of others.
  • Support the coaches, and refrain from excessive sideline coaching from the stands (if you have questions for the coaches, do not hesitate to talk to them about your concerns).
  • Abide by doctor’s decisions in all matters of players’ health and injuries.
  • There is no criticizing of opposing players, coaches, or officials.

As parents, our support in the conduct guidelines will show by example, how a sporting event should take place, win or lose! Throughout the Island, the Cowichan Bulldogs have been regarded and awarded as the most sportsmanlike team in the league. This title is one we are most proud of and would like to maintain!

Code of Conduct